Sonar X1 Producer Expanded

Sonar X1 Producer Expanded | 5.70 GB

SONAR X1 Producer Expanded takes SONAR X1 Producer even further with exciting new production tools and delivery options.

ProChannel Expanded Go beyond the standard ProChannel experience with custom ProChannel strips that include modular components, in place scrolling, and drag and drop signal routing. Add and remove modules, swap out dynamics, and apply genuine tube warmth using the new Softube Saturation Knob.

SONAR X1 FX Chains Expanded Create combinations of multiple audio effects with a fully customizable interface complete with user-definable skins. Sharing Expanded Upload your songs directly to SoundCloud and automatically notify social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Notation Expanded Export MIDI data seamlessly to your favorite notation software with MusicXML. Browser Expanded Drag and drop data directly to the Browser and instantly route existing tracks to new soft-synths with a simple gesture.

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