MathAudio Microphone Corrector

MathAudio Microphone Corrector v1.4.6 | 5.8 MB
R2R | Dec 16 2012

Converts the sound of any microphone into the sound of any other microphone.
Ensures unprecedented accuracy of the replication. Listen to the sound samples.
Automatically compares microphones and generates correction algorithms. Averaged models of microphones are not used because every microphone is unique and requires a unique correction algorithm.

Converts a pair of identical (same model) microphones into a matched pair of microphones for stereo recording.
Ensures verifiable quality replication. Turn your medium quality microphone into a replica of a high quality microphone and compare the sounds immediately.
Corrects both amplitude and phase components of the microphone frequency response.
Applies a patented method of microphone correction which ensures maximum similarity between the sound of the reference microphone and the sound of the target microphone.


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